Health and wellbeing is our privilege – especially in a world full of political injustice, poverty, disease, a lack of education, the consequences of climate change and much more. With our motto “THINK TOMORROW – ACT TODAY”, we stand for innovative progress and have made it our goal to pass on some of our success!
That is why we are donating the 2,500 euros that we received for winning the B24 Brownfield Award Special Prize 2020 for innovative concepts to a good cause: the purchase of a corn mill in the village of Abouzokope. Corn mills are very important in Togo, as corn is one of the staple foods. There used to be a corn mill in the village of Abouzokope up until the summer. Unfortunately, the miller died as a result of polluted water and his sons dismantled the corn mill and moved to Ghana.
With the 2,500 euros, we intend to build a small house and install a corn mill. The corn mill will then be operated and organized by the village community as a cooperative. The villagers would then be able to have their corn milled in the village for little money. The income would be used to pay the miller and as a reserve for any necessary repairs.
Update 04/21
We are glad to report that the corn mill project in Togo is now entirely finished and the mill is ready for the villagers to use. The completion of the project had been delayed by a few weeks as the floor panels needed to be constructed in a more stable way than usual. The strengthened floor panels serve to firmly anchor the corn mill as well as the motor inside it.
The walls of the house were also made of bamboo instead of stone. This allows the air to circulate better around the house, which means that when the corn mill is operated for a longer period of time, it prevents the user from inhaling too much corn dust and poor-quality air.
In addition to reserves for spare parts and maintenance, there is now also a miller who operates and maintains the mill for the community.