

Compensation areas for the conservation status and continued existence of various populations

A lizard habitat with hibernation structures, basking sites and nesting areas was created for the sand lizard to ensure the continued existence of a population. The area covers approx. 1500 sq m. A sand bank was heaped up from local sand deposits on one strip, which serves as a breeding and resting area. The functions of a sunning, hunting and reproduction habitat are all fulfilled.

In addition to the construction of a lizard habitat, FOUR PARX entered into a contract with the Central Brandenburg Landscape Conservation Association (Landschaftspflegeverein Mittelbrandenburg e.V.), which includes the creation of 4 skylark plots over a period of 10 years. In accordance with FCS measures under species protection law, suitable alternative habitats for the two bird species (skylarks and whinchat) were created and secured in order to avoid a deterioration of the population’s conservation status. Skylark plots are particularly suitable as a population-supporting measure within the grain.

Conservation and Stabilisation of the Lizard Population

A holistic and sustainable approach was planned for the relocation of the wall lizard. FOUR PARX planned and built a 13,500 sq m habitat.

The relocation began in 2014, with a total of 1206 wall lizards captured. In accordance with the plans of BG Natur, the habitat requirements based on terrestrial areas, nesting sites and connectivity were implemented and assessed by: BG Natur Rating: Grade A = Excellent

Flower Strips and Biotopes: Maintaining conservation status for skylarks and increase population!

Based on the 2016 ecological assessment, Four Parx searched intensively with ornithologists to find a compensation area and found a suitable 3,000 sq m plot of land which guarantees the construction of a facility with a permanent flower strip. This created a perfect breeding and feeding habitat for the skylark. A Greisheim mixture was planted: at least 45 species of herbs and grasses based on natural plant communities.