The logistics sector is booming
For many years, the volume of new logistics real estate construction has been over 3.5 million square meters. Digital change, e-commerce and high international demand from the capital market will continue to drive development in the logistics sector.
On the othere hand, the ongoing boom is being countered by increasing difficulties and risks. It will be more difficult to achieve growth in the logistics sector and satisfy demand. The three most serious obstacles to the development of logistics real estate are: For us as project developers and our customers, these three trends mean higher property and production costs, greater uncertainty about deadlines and increased expenditure.
FOUR PARX has tripled its staff in two years to handle permitting procedures, construction supervision and legal detail work. At the same time, we are increasingly concentrating on project management and monitoring, and are integrating preferred long-term operational partners in all necessary trades. We can only guarantee our customers a short-term start to use in the future if we have secured both a plot of land with building permission and the construction capacity.
For this reason, we are increasingly developing our projects on a speculative basis. The concept works. In our view, there is a need for action – especially on the part of local authorities and authorities. It remains to be hoped that the public sector will recognise and counteract the shortage of space and lengthy approval procedures described above.